Sunday, October 11, 2009

The United State of America Does Not Exist

It is a fallacy to hold that actions exist independent of that which does the action. Actions do not exist independent of that which performs the action. The State as "politeía" is a man made artificial system of organization consisting of agreements between people to perform certain actions in particular fashions and can only happen as a set of obtaining actions. Hence the State as "politeía" can only obtain if someone does the actions that comprise the "politeía". If the actions are to conform to a rule of law rather than the arbitrary whim of some person or persons, then they can only occur in accordance with a set of agreed upon specifications. If the agreed upon actions are not performed then the agreement is not fulfilled. If the agreement is not fulfilled, then the that State as "politeía" does not occur.

Stateism is a fallacy predicated on the further fallacies that morality is a gradient of valuation and hence subjective. Moral subjectivity is based on absurd notions of super-naturalism. Since those who operate the machinery of government at the seat of power located in Washington DC have been Stateists and super-naturalists, they cannot have fulfilled the requirements of the agreed upon specifications that define the United States of America because there is no merit in fallacy. This is so because actions performed resultant from fallacy cannot be moral and hence good. Therefore, those who operate the machinery of government at the seat of power located in Washington DC have been traitors to the body politic know as the "United States of America." This is the case because the body politic, "politeía", know as the "United States of America" can only occur as a complete set of instantiated actions performed in accordance with specification recorded in the founding charter document, the Constitution of the United States, that defines the "United States of America." If the seat of power located in Washington DC conducts its business in a manner other than that specified within the founding charter document, the Constitution of the United States, that defines the "United States of America", then the United States of America does not occur. The seat of power in Washington DC, has from its beginning operated in violation of the specifications recorded in the founding charter document, the Constitution of the United States, that defines the "United States of America." Hence the body politic, "politeía", known as the "United States of America" has never actually occurred as as set of specified and instantiated actions. By failing to perform the actions specified in the Constitution, the responsible actors fail to cause the United States of America to occur. That which does occur is called the United States of America, but it is something different than the specifications for the USA. Consequently, it is proper to say while there is a seat of power located in Washington DC, it is not the United States of America.